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CD/PMD Analyzer Source

EXFO's FLS-5800 CD/PMD Analyzer Source is a modulated, polarized, high-power SLED. Thanks to its high power density, you can use it as a broadband source for DWDM channel and component testing. High Modulation The FLS-5800's high modulation makes it a perfect complement to the FTB-5800 Chromatic Dispersion Analyzer, whose technology is based on the phase-shift method. This first-class duo lets you run chromatic dispersion (CD) measurements through amplifiers such as EDFAs, providing the highest accuracy in field CD testing. High Degree of Polarization When measuring PMD and a broadband, polarized source is required, turn to the FLS-5800, which features a high degree of polarization. Test PMD through EDFAs by combining the FLS-5800 with patent-design breakthrough technology FTB-5500B PMD Analyzer.

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Standard Rental Accessories*
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  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • Adapter Universal Interface SC

    Qty: 1
  • Case Transit

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • Adapter Universal Interface SC

    Qty: 1
  • Case Transit

    Qty: 1
  • USB Drive with Software and Manuals

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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What is the EXFO FLS-5834A?

The EXFO FLS-5834A is a high-power SLED source used for chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) measurements in optical networks.

What are the typical applications of the FLS-5834A?

It is typically used in the testing of DWDM channels and components, as well as through amplifiers such as EDFAs, ensuring accurate CD and PMD measurements.

How can the FLS-5834A be configured for use?

The FLS-5834A can be paired with other EXFO analyzers like the FTB-5800 CD Analyzer or FTB-5500B PMD Analyzer to perform comprehensive optical testing.

What types of signals can the FLS-5834A capture?

The FLS-5834A captures modulated, polarized signals necessary for high-accuracy CD and PMD measurements in fiber optic networks.

Does the FLS-5834A offer mobile connectivity?

While it does not feature direct mobile connectivity, its data can be analyzed using EXFO’s suite of software tools that may be accessed remotely.

How does the FLS-5834A handle networked applications?

The FLS-5834A is designed to be integrated into larger optical network testing setups, working in conjunction with other EXFO devices for synchronized and comprehensive testing.

What are the physical dimensions and weight of the FLS-5834A?

Specific dimensions and weight are not provided on the product page; refer to the EXFO datasheet for detailed specifications.

Can the FLS-5834A be used without a PC?

The FLS-5834A typically requires a PC or other EXFO devices for configuration and data analysis, ensuring precision in testing.

What software capabilities does the FLS-5834A offer?

It integrates with EXFO’s suite of optical test software, offering extensive data analysis, real-time monitoring, and reporting capabilities.

What are the data recording and review capabilities of the FLS-5834A?

The FLS-5834A supports detailed data capture for CD and PMD measurements, with capabilities for pre/post-triggering and comprehensive analysis through EXFO software.

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