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Keysight Technologies 16752A

68 Channel 400 MHz State, 2 GHz Timing Logic Analyzer Module
16M, 400 MHz State, 2GHz TimingZoom LA Module. 68 channel logic analysis module for use in the 16700B/16701B/16702B frames. Features and specifications of the 16752B are identical to the 16752A. 16752A and 16752B modules can be combined in multi-module sets. 16752A data and configuration files are compatible with the 16752B.
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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Probe Assembly

    Qty: 4
  • Probe Lead (Set Of 5)

    Qty: 1
  • Ground Lead (Pack of 5)

    Qty: 4
  • Cable Master Expansion (Installed On Board) 2 by 10

    Qty: 1
  • Grabber Kit (Set Of 20)

    Qty: 4
  • Card Quick Start for Visitrigger

    Qty: 1
  • Cable Logic Y-Type for 2 Input Pods

    Qty: 2
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Content is AI-generated. Verify critical details with manufacturer-provided resources.

What is the Keysight 16752A?

The Keysight 16752A is a digital pattern generator module used for functional testing of digital designs, compatible with Keysight's 16700 Series logic analysis systems.

What are the key features of the Keysight 16752A?

Key features include 68 channels, 400 MHz state analysis, 2 GHz timing analysis, and a 16M vector memory depth.

What applications is the Keysight 16752A suitable for?

It is suitable for functional verification, debugging, and stress testing of digital designs in hardware and software program testing.

How does the Keysight 16752A enhance digital design testing?

It provides high-speed and high-capacity analysis, enabling accurate and thorough testing of complex digital designs.

What voltage levels does the Keysight 16752A support?

The module supports various voltage levels compatible with the 16700 Series logic analysis systems.

What accessories are included with the Keysight 16752A?

Standard rental accessories include probe assemblies, probe leads, ground leads, grabber kits, and configuration cards.

Is the Keysight 16752A easy to use in various test setups?

Yes, its compatibility with Keysight logic analysis systems and extensive channel capacity make it adaptable to different testing environments.

What is the channel capacity of the Keysight 16752A?

It supports up to 68 channels per module, providing extensive testing capabilities.

What are the physical dimensions of the Keysight 16752A?

Specific dimensions are not provided on the product page; refer to the Keysight datasheet for detailed specifications.

Where can the Keysight 16752A be rented, leased, or purchased?

The Keysight 16752A can be rented, leased, or purchased through TRS-RenTelco.