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Keysight Technologies 85672A

8560 Series Spurious Response Measurements Utility
The five most commonly made spectrum analyzer measurements are now automated with the Keysight (formerly Agilent) 85672A, spurious response measurements utility. Set-up and execution of each measurement is reduced to a few keystrokes--saving time, eliminating errors and optimizing the instrument to produce the best possible measurement results. No tinkering with markers and no extra calculations are required. With the 85672A, output information is automatically summarized in a concise tabular format on the screen of your Keysight (formerly Agilent) 8560 series or other high-performance portable Keysight (formerly Agilent) spectrum analyzer.

  • Third-Order intermodulation product and Third-Order Intercept (TOI/TP3)
  • Harmonics and Total-Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • Discrete sideband spurs
  • General spur search
  • Mixing products
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  • Configurations
  • Resources
Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cards HP85672A (Set Of 3)

    Qty: 1
  • Manual User Guide

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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