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Keysight Technologies 8665B

100kHz - 6GHz High-Performance Signal Generator, Type N (f)
The 8665B signal generator is suited for basic receiver testing from 100 kHz to 6 GHz with 0.01 Hz frequency resolution. AM, FM, phase modulation, pulse modulation. Digitally stepped frequency sweep. Pulse width and delay can be internally adjusted between 50 ns and 999 ns, eliminating the need for an external pulse generator. Standard FM rates of up to 2 MHz and deviations to 20 MHz are suitable for many applications such as high-speed digital communications. The internal modulation source generates sine, square, triangle or sawtooth waveforms. Low SSB phase noise: -134 dBc/Hz. Output level: 13 to -139.9 dBm.
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  • Configurations
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001, 004
See Configuration Details
  • 001

    High-stability time-base

  • 004

    Enhanced spectral purity

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* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

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  • CD Product Documentation

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