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Keysight Technologies 8970B

1.6 GHz Noise Figure Meter

Used with 346 or 347 family noise sources, the Keysight (formerly Agilent) 8970B noise figure meter takes the mystery out of noise figure measurements, making them easy, accurate and repeatable. Low instrument uncertainty and automatic second-stage correction make it possible to make accurate noise figure readings, even for low-gain devices. The instrument has special measurement modes for mixer measurement and is capable of controlling external local oscillators and the 8971C noise figure test set.

Key Features:

  • Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 1600 MHz (to 2047 MHz with option 020)
  • Noise Figure Measurement Range: 0 to 30 dB
  • NF Instrumentation Uncertainty: 0.1 dB
  • Gain Measurement Range: -20 to 40 dB
  • Gain Instrumentation Uncertainty: 0.15 dB
  • Input SWR reference impedance: <1.7 10 MHz to 1600 MHz
  • Requires 346A/B/C noise source
  • If you are looking for a new or well-maintained used Keysight (Agilent) 8970B Noise Figure Meter for rent or lease, contact us or request a quote today.

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    * Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
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