Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Fast Switching
Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Waveform license 5-pack1
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multifunction generator
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Fast Switching
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
Differential I/Q Outputs
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
AM, FM, phase modulation
Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1USB Software I/O Libraries
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Instrument security and removable memory card
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Multifunction generator
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Multifunction generator
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Custom digital modulation
Node-locked perpetual license
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
Differential I/Q Outputs
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Fast Switching
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Multifunction generator
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade Baseband Generator Memory From 32 Msa To 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
High output power
Multifunction generator
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Internal solid state memory
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Expanded license key upgradability
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1USB Software I/O Libraries
Qty: 1Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Instrument security and removable memory card
Differential I/Q Outputs
High output power
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Expanded license key upgradability
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Low specified power (less -110 dBm)
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Fast Switching
High output power
Multifunction generator
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1USB Software I/O Libraries
Qty: 1Advanced LTE-Advanced FDD, fixed perpetual license
Enhanced Dynamic Range
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Connect to N5162A/N5182A signal generator, fixed, perpetual
Basic LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
Basic LTE-Advanced FDD, fixed perpetual license
Advanced LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
Internal solid state memory
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multifunction generator
Instrument security and removable memory card
Internal solid state memory
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Avionics license
Multifunction generator
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Low phase noise
Fast Switching
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Multifunction generator
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
AM, FM, phase modulation
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Avionics license
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Fast Switching
Differential I/Q Outputs
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1USB Software I/O Libraries
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Low phase noise
Multi-tone and 2-tone
Node-locked perpetual license
Narrow pulse modulation
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Expanded license key upgradability
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Multifunction generator
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Connect to N5182A/B / N5172B VSG
Basic 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN
Basic 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n WLAN, fixed perpetual license
Basic 802.11ac WLAN, fixed perpetual licens
Connect to N5162A/N5182A signal generator, fixed, perpetual
Basic LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
Advanced LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
AM, FM, phase modulation
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Expanded license key upgradability
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Multi-tone and 2-tone
Node-locked perpetual license
Narrow pulse modulation
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Enhanced low phase noise
Narrow pulse modulation
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Multifunction generator
Pulse train generator
Node-locked perpetual license
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Internal solid state memory
Calibrated AWGN
Node-locked perpetual license
Enhanced dynamic range
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multifunction generator
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1USB Software I/O Libraries
Qty: 1Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Instrument security and removable memory card
AM, FM, phase modulation
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
High output power
Waveform license 5-pack1
Waveform license 5-pack2
Waveform license 5-pack3
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
High output power
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced low phase noise
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Multifunction generator
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Calibrated AWGN
Node-locked perpetual license
Phase noise impairment
Node-locked perpetual license
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Node-locked perpetual license
Node-locked perpetual license
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Multi-tone and 2-tone
Custom digital modulation
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
Expanded license key upgradability
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Node-locked perpetual license
Custom digital modulation
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
AM, FM, phase modulation
LO in/out for phase coherency
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Enhanced low phase noise
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Instrument security and removable memory card
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Node-locked perpetual license
Multi-tone and 2-tone
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Custom digital modulation
Node-locked perpetual license
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
High output power
Multifunction generator
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Flexible reference input (1-50 MHz)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Narrow pulse modulation
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Expanded license key upgradability
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument Security And Removable Memory Card
Lo In/out For Phase Coherency
Expanded License Key Upgradability
High Output Power
Calibrated Awgn
Frequency Range, 9 Khz To 6 Ghz
Arb Baseband Generator (80 Mhz Rf Bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Am, Fm, Phase Modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multifunction generator
Pulse train generator, fixed perpetual license
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Cord Power
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Internal solid state memory
LO in/out for phase coherency
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multifunction generator
Pulse train generator, fixed perpetual license
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Custom digital modulation, fixed perpetual license
Phase noise impairment, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Enhanced low phase noise
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Lo In/out For Phase Coherency
Expanded License Key Upgradability
Multitone And Two-tone
Frequency Range, 9 Khz To 6 Ghz
Arb Baseband Generator (80 Mhz Rf Bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade Baseband Generator To 160 Mhz Rf Bandwidth
Upgrade Baseband Generator With Real-time Capability
Am, Fm, Phase Modulation
Enhanced Low Phase Noise
Fast Switching
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Instrument security and removable memory card
LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Low specified power (less than -110 dBm)
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
AM, FM, phase modulation
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1Memory Card SanDisk 8 Gb
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1LO in/out for phase coherency
Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Differential I/Q Outputs
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
Enhanced Dynamic Range
Narrow pulse modulation
Fast Switching
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cable Semi-Rigid Coaxial SMA(m) - SMA(m) for Option 12
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Custom digital modulation
Node-locked perpetual license
Instrument security and removable memory card
Expanded license key upgradability
Multifunction generator
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 MSa)
Pulse train generator
Node-locked perpetual license
AM, FM, phase modulation
Narrow pulse modulation
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Keysight Software Support While On Rent
Cord Power
Qty: 1SD Memory Card
Qty: 1Cover SD Card
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa
Expanded license key upgradability
High output power
Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual license
Multitone and two-tone, fixed perpetual license
Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz
ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa)
Upgrade baseband generator to 160 MHz RF bandwidth
Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, fixed perpetual license
Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, fixed perpetual license
Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
Basic cdma2000, fixed perpetual license
Basic 1xEV-DO, fixed perpetual license
Minor enhancement updates
Signal Studio for 802.16 WiMAX
Basic 802.16 OFDMA, fixed, perpetual license
Advanced 802.16 OFDMA, fixed, perpetual license
Connect to N5162A/N5182A signal generator, fixed, perpetual
Basic LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
Basic LTE-Advanced FDD, fixed perpetual license
Envelope tracking, fixed perpetual license
Advanced LTE FDD, fixed perpetual license
Advanced LTE-Advanced FDD, fixed perpetual license