Accessory Usb Storage Device, 4gb, Blank
Frequency Range, 10 Hz To 26.5 Ghz
Electronic Attenuator, 3.6ghz
Fine Resolution Step Attenuator
Preamplifier, 3.6 Ghz
Precision Frequency Reference
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency Range, 10 Hz To 26.5 GHz
Basic EMC Functionality License
Enhanced Phase Noise Performance
Fine Resolution Step Attenuator
Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz
Y-Axis Ouptut
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency Range, 10 Hz To 26.5 Ghz
Enhanced Phase Noise Performance
Fine Resolution Step Attenuator
Preamplifier, 26.5 Ghz
Y-Axis Ouptut
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency Range, 10 Hz To 26.5 Ghz
Analysis Bandwidth, 25 Mhz
Enhanced Display Package License
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Frequency Range, 10 Hz To 26.5 GHz
Analysis Bandwidth, 25 MHz
Basic EMC Functionality License
Instrument Case Portable Configuration
Cord Power
Qty: 1Cover Front
Qty: 1Mouse Optical
Qty: 1USB Drive with Software and Manuals
Qty: 1Keysight Technologies N9010A-526 Spec Sheet