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Rohde & Schwarz SMR20

1 Ghz to 20 GHz CW generator, 3.5 mm(f)
Outstanding price/performance ratio. Its various options offer access to a wide field of applications in production and R&D, where the R&S SMR can be used as a synthesizer or complete signal generator. When equipped with the optional analog frequency and level sweep, the R&S SMR is an ideal tracking generator for scalar network analysis, and the internal IF upconverter allows the generation of vector-modulated signals up to 20 GHz.
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  • Configurations
  • Resources
B1, B11, B14, B15, B23, B3, B4, B5
See Configuration Details
  • B11

    0.01 to 1 GHz Frequency Extension

  • B14

    Pulse Generator

  • B1

    OXCO Reference Oscillator

  • B15

    20/27 GHz Attenuator

  • B23

    IF Input

  • B3

    0.1 Hz Frequency Resolution

  • B4

    Ramp Sweep

  • B5

    AM/FM/SCAN Modulation

Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Cord Power

    Qty: 1
  • Adapter FJ Testport - 3.5 mm(f)

    Qty: 1
  • Cover Protection

    Qty: 2
  • Manual Operating

    Qty: 1
Rent or Lease

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*This item has already been added to your cart. Check your cart for quantity and availability.