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Keysight Technologies N3304A

300W Electronic Load Module

32Fast and accurate, the Keysight N3304A electronic load module is used for programming in constant current, constant voltage, or constant resistance modes, or for making voltage, current or power measurements.

It can also digitize waveforms and handle high-volume manufacturing that requires optimization of test system throughput and maximize production volume without the use of large equipment.

Keysight N3304A Features and Specifications:

Input Ratings

  • Current: 0 to 60 A
  • Voltage: 0 to 60V
  • Maximum power: 300W

Constant Current Mode

  • Low range/high range: 6 A/60 A
  • Regulation: 10 mA
  • Low range accuracy: 0.1% 7.5 mA
  • High range accuracy: 0.1% 15 mA

Constant Voltage Mode

  • Low range/high range: 6V/60V
  • Regulation: 10 mV
  • Low range accuracy: 0.1% 3 mV
  • High range accuracy: 0.1% 8 mV

Constant Resistance Mode

  • Range 1 (I >10% of current rating): 0.033-2 ohmes
  • Range 2 (I >1% of current rating): 1.8-20 ohmes
  • Range 3 (I >0.1% of current rating): 18-200 ohmes
  • Range 4 (I >0.01% of current rating): 180-2000 ohmes

The Keysight N3304A 300W Electronic Load Module is available for rent or lease at TRS-RenTelco with 24/7 customer support. For more information, contact us at 800-874-7123.

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Base Model
Standard Rental Accessories*
* Leased or Buy Used product accessories will be confirmed with quote.
  • Connector Terminal Block 14-Pin

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